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Coach Smitty

Lead Personal Trainer, Small Group Training and Athletic Performance

Life is filled with wins & losses, ups & downs, good times & bad times. We ALL go through it, but it’s not a matter of “if” we go through it, but more so “HOW” we go through it!! I share this picture for so many reasons. MAINLY to inspire and motivate those who feel like the moment you’ll reach your goal will never arrive. Here’s a NEWS FLASH...... IT WON’T!! The reason for that is because the GOAL is NOT a destination it’s A JOURNEY, IT’S A PROCESS...... It’s for every moment you lie in bed wishing things could be different. It’s every time you go to the department store and try on an outfit to realize nothing fits and you leave frustrated & think no one understands. It’s for every time you thought you had to “get in shape” to go to the gym. it's for all the times you didn't go, not because you didn't want to, but because you were too embarrassed to ask for help and didn't know how. It’s for every diet you’ve tried, for every workouts dvd or piece of fitness equipment you’ve purchased. It’s for all the times you tried and failed.

It’s for the tears you’ve cried in frustration because you’ve made the same mistake over and over and over again. It’s for the long days and even longer nights when you’ve dreamed of things being better. For the overwhelming sensation you’ve had to break out and be who you KNOW GOD has called you to be. But you’ve been unable for so long to muster up the strength and keep pushing. It’s for EVERY plan or idea you’ve had and even written on paper only to have someone tell you that might not work. It’s for the lack of self respect you’ve had by believing such things and throwing that note book to the bottom of a bag. It’s the battle and tug of war with you & your mind that desires to sabotage whatever successes you’ve been able to achieve. It’s for the desire you have to please everyone and the unmeasurable energy spent trying to accomplish such a foolish task. It’s FOR YOU, yes you who’s reading this and feeling like some of the things I've listed about are talking straight to you. It’s for the unbeliever, it’s for the run down and broken hearted. It’s for the one who feels like they have no one and the one who feels like they have everything. It’s for the millionaire and the broke man standing on the corner wondering where his next meal will come from. It’s for those who WILL not give up and for those who threw in the towel oh so long ago. Most of all it’s for ME!! To show YOU no matter who you are, where you are and what you are, you are vulnerable to a fall, but it’s only a fall if you stay down!! So wherever you are, whatever you’re doing....... GET UP, LOOK UP & NEVER GIVE UP!!

If you need someone to run the race with you I’m here with you. We’ll cross the finish line together not because of any greatness that I possess, but because of HE WHO IS GREAT IN ME!! If you feel weak, jump on my back and we’ll cross the finish line together. So with each passing day when you feel as though you’re not strong enough to carry on, remember this....... “And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭12:9‬ ‭KJV‬‬ 

My name is Brian Smith they call me Coach Smitty & I’m a Coach for EVERYbody!!

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