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Coach Naomi Pennington

Lead Group Fitness Instructor

My name is Coach Naomi!  I am a Mom to 4 amazing boys, employed full time, and coach on the Be Fit Project because I am passionate about helping people be healthy and live long and happy lives.  
I started my weight loss journey back in 2016.  I was 190 lbs and a size 16.  I had been seeing a personal trainer for over a year but made minimal progress on losing any weight due to my unhealthy eating.  
In an attempt to 'quick fix' my unhappiness with my weight I elected to have a tummy tuck in March 2016.  After the surgery there was minimal difference in my size, and 10 days later I ended up being hospitalized for two weeks nearly dying as a result of a bilateral pulmonary embolism (blood clots in both lungs).  Though this was a wake up call for me, it still wasn't enough for me to make a LIFESTYLE CHANGE!  It would take something so much more traumatizing.  Two months after my near death experience I tragically and unexpectedly lost my father.    This was the most soul crushing loss I have ever experienced in my life.  Just a few months before he passed he said "Honey, you are the biggest I've ever seen you be.  I am worried for you", five months later he was gone!  The pain and devastation I felt was enough for me to finally make a change.   I did not want my children to feel what I was feeling losing a parent. Watching my children grow up, being able to play with them, having grandchildren that I can be involved with was my WHY!
In a matter of 6 months I lost 45 pounds, my cholesterol reduced to a healthy range and I was in the best health and shape of my life.  I vowed to never go back to how things were before.  Since then I have given birth to another son and have successfully kept off the weight STILL!
It is my desire to assist you in being the BEST version of YOU!  It may be something small or something grand, but if it's important to you then it matters to me. 
If you could modify one thing about your lifestyle to improve your life, what would it be?
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